Week 9 Term 1
Nightcliff Primary School
Good afternoon,
As the end of the term draws near it is time to reflect on student, staff and community achievements. Transition students have been eager participants in their new school environment. Students from Transition to Year 6 shared their learning goals with their family through Three-Way-Conferences, where students and teachers highlighted growth and future targets. NAPLAN was completed for Years 3 and 5 with student results available in Term 2. A celebration from the 2023 NAPLAN data was the fact that Nightcliff Primary School was the top government primary school in the NT!
Harmony Day identified and celebrated the 54 cultures represented at Nightcliff Primary School. Throughout the week specialist art classes created ‘everyone belongs’ banners displayed at the whole school Harmony Day parade. Students proudly shared their orange and traditional cultural dress.
Student leadership is a strength of the school, with leaders actively taking on their roles of School Captains, House Captains, Student Representative Council, Northern Territory Learning Commission (NTLC), Eco Warriors, and Library Monitors. Additional leadership programs have included the Lead Like a Girl, Johnathan Thurston Academy for all year 6 female students. The final session will include a live, online session with JT himself.
School sport highlighted talent across Netball and AFL during the term. Year 6 female students were selected in the AFL School Sports, local division, winning their games and awaiting the outcome for regional NT selection.
The School Council elected their new members for 2024 at the Annual General Meeting. The fundraising committee and council members organised the barbeque for the Three-Way-Conferences, meeting and greeting students and families. Included in today’s newsletter is an article on the new student crossing, an initiative supported through the work of the council.
We look forward to the final week of term, again noting the Week 10 assembly will recognise our student leaders as they receive their leadership badges for 2024. I am excited to continue in the role of Acting Principal of Nightcliff Primary School in Term 2.
Acting Principal
Ranae Graham
Monday 1st: Easter Monday - No school April
Wednesday 3rd: Soccer Gala Day
Thursday 4th: Cricket Gala Day
Friday 5th: Student Leadership Presentation Assembly @ 8.30 am
* School Holidays start Monday 8th April - Students resume for Term 2 Tuesday 16th April 2024
Swimmimg starts on the first day back at school. Tuesday 16th Arpil. Dont forget your swimmimg gear!
Please forward payment and permission note by Tuesday 2nd April. You may use the balance of your Back to School Voucher if you still have credit.
The School Camp for 2024 will be in June from Monday 17th to Wednesday 19th for Year 5 students, and Wednesday 19th to Friday 21st for Year 6 students.
As we need to know numbers for the camp booking and planning, we are asking you to let us know if your child/ren would like to attend this camp.
At this stage we are requesting a deposit of $50 be made. If the deposit is paid before Friday 5th April 2024, your child’s Back to School Voucher can be used towards the cost of the camp. The approximate cost of camp will be between $240 - $280. The final price depends on the number of students who attend.
Back to school vouchers 2024- Families are encouraged to contact the front office directly to redeem the $200 back to school voucher by Friday 5th April 2024
We invite families to complete a short parent survey to help us identify and understand the areas of growth for Nightcliff Primary School. Please complete one survey for the family.
A new Children’s Crossing on Bauhinia Street.
Nightcliff Primary School welcomes the installation of a children’s crossing on Bauhinia Street. This crossing was completed in mid-March 2024 and has already made commuting to and from our school safer. It is sure to inspire more children to walk and ride to school. The crossing has been much appreciated by the childcare centre walking kids up to pre-school. It should also encourage parents who are considering parking on the relatively quiet Bauhinia Street during busy drop off and pick up times to park and walk safely.
The crossing is the culmination of many years of advocacy by the road safety/active travel working group of the NPS School Council who have been liaising with City of Darwin about improving pedestrian and cyclist safety around our school. The support of Councillor Ed Smelt in facilitating this crossing is particularly appreciated. The children’s crossing is a positive step towards making the roads around our school roads safer.