Week 7 Term 1
Nightcliff Primary School
Principal Note
The year 3 and 5 students commenced NAPLAN testing this week, they were both nervous and eager to start. Students demonstrated a high level of engagement and pride in completing their first test, Writing on Wednesday. Thank you to the leadership team, teaching staff and families for supporting the school and students in their readiness for participation. Students have continued to focus and participate to their best of their ability throughout the week. Whilst NAPLAN is important for understanding student strengths and opportunities for growth, it is a test that reflects one point in time. The testing period will finish at the end of Week 8, with outcomes made available in Term 2.
It has been wonderful to have assemblies back post COVID where students host, perform and share the opportunity to represent their class to the school community. As we move into the final weeks of the term there is a strong focus on engaging with families through community events and teaching and learning.
This year Harmony Day will have specialised art classes during the week where students create their unique bunting, following the Early Years assembly there will be a parade of orange or traditional cultural dress. We invite families to support the event and important messaging of ‘Everyone Belongs’.
We look forward to connecting with families in person for the Three-Way-Conferences happening in Week 9. This is a great opportunity to share your child learning and well being goals for 2024. The school council will be hosting a barbeque on the Tuesday evening and looks forward to meeting families at the event.
All the student leadership positions have been finalised for the year, the students will be presented their badges by local member Ms Natasha Fyles, at the Week 10 assembly.
There will be a newsletter sent home on the Thursday of Week 9 instead of Friday due to the Easter holiday.
Northern Territory Learning Commission
Ms Wendy, Ms Graham and the 2024 Northern Territory Learning Commission (NTLC) students attended their first live event on Wednesday the 6th of March. The commission is made of 53 schools across the Northern Territory who analyse school data and lead inquiry into school improvement. Nightcliff was strongly represented at the Darwin event, pledging their commitment to the commission and to leading change in our school. They were deeply engaged with the learning and commission fed back on their high engagement, rigorous data analysis and ability to share this information with the whole of the Darwin Region.
Harmony Day
All week students will be working on creating their class bunting to represent Harmony Day, 2024’s theme of ‘Everyone Belongs’. The bunting will be unveiled on Friday the 22nd of March. Students are encouraged to wear orange or traditional cultural dress. After the Early Years assembly there will be a whole school parade, celebrating Nightcliff Primary School’s diversity. The parade is an opportunity to strengthen identity and a sense of belonging that connecting to culture brings for students and the community.
The Harmony Day agenda will include:
- Early Years Assembly
- A parade of Harmony Day orange or cultural dress starting with early years through to middle and upper primary students.
Ranae Graham
Acting Principal