Week 3 Term 1
Nightcliff Primary School Newsletter
Dear Parents/Carers
It has been a great start to the year and students have settled into their class routines. The monsoonal rain earlier this week caused a few wet weather play times and students were able to enjoy activities inside with their teacher during this time. Please ensure students wear their school uniform (school shirt, black shorts/skort or dress) and closed in shoes which are appropriate for PE to school everyday. Don’t forget to spend your Back to School Voucher this term.
Next Tuesday afternoon, we have our Parent Information Afternoon in the transition to year 6 classrooms. Please come along to learn how the classroom will run and be informed about special activities that occur throughout the year for your child’s year level.
Transition, Year 1 and Year 2: 3.00 – 3.30pm in classroom
Year 3, Year 4, Year 5 and Year 6: 3.30 – 4.00pm in classroom
On Wednesday 6th March at 5.30pm we have our upcoming School Council AGM. This is an important part of our school community which allows parent to have a voice and help to shape the direction of the school. The School Council are seeking more members at the upcoming AGM.
Please see flyers below
Congratulations to the Merit Certificate recipients at our Primary Assembly this morning. We would also like to congratulate Pippa, Amira, Sylvie, Eve, Winnie (reserves), Halle (reserves) and Will (reserves) on their selection to the 2024 Darwin Region 12 Years and Under Australian Football Squad.
Kind Regards
Sarah Behan
Assistant Principal