Week 8 Term 4
Nightcliff Primary School
Dear Families,
Next week is Week 9, with only 9 school days to go.
There is an exciting vibe around the school with many students exchanging cards and preparing craft to recognise the season and celebrate the end of year with their classmates. Teachers are getting into the spirit of the festive season, with many classrooms being decorated by students and activities planned around being kind and coming together.
Attendance is everybody’s responsibility. Please notify of all absences. Staff will be ringing as families in addition to SMS text messages as we have a new process for ensuring all students are accounted for, every day. Late students will now sign in at the left-hand side of the reception area and a staff member will enter this directly to our roll system prior to the SMS messages going out.
The weather is extremely hot at the moment with no rain this week. Please remind students to drink plenty of water. A frozen drink bottle goes a long way during the day to keep water cool in their classrooms and students can keep water bottles on their desks. All students must wear a hat in the yard.
Driver behaviour in Cunjevoi Cresent is currently quite dangerous. Please do not stop your vehicle to call students out to your car for pickup. There are many parking spots available further along. Darwin City Council has repainted the No Parking bay outside the school and this gate will be locked from now on to prevent students running out onto the road here to cars pulling up there. This also encourages students to use the front office gate which is nearer to the school crossing.
Lost and Found
We will be donating any left over lunchboxes, water bottles and clothing to charity in Week 10. Please keep an eye out in the corridor walkway next to the lost and found box at the library to pick up any lost items you may have had.
Music Assembly
Next Thursday is our final performance by the NT Music School students this year. This will be held at 8:30am in the Assembly area. The band will play and they sound amazing. Everyone is welcome and we would love to see you there supporting our students.
2023 Presentation Assemblies
These assemblies are to celebrate the academic and personal achievements of our students. They will be held on Friday the 8th of December in the Assembly area.
Early Years: Preschool to Year 2 @ 8:30am – 9:00am and Upper Primary: Years 3 to 6 @ 9:10 – 10:10am
Year 6 Assembly
The Year 6 students will be receiving their Certificate of Graduation at the Upper Years Presentation Assembly. This will be held on the 8th of December in the Assembly area @ 9:10am – 10:10am, let’s celebrate the leaders in our school as the finish their primary school journey and begin their middle school one.
Important Events
Week 9
Thursday 7th December
NT Music Assembly @ 8:30 am
Friday 8th December
Awards Presentation Assembly - Time: 8:30-9:00am Preschool – Year 2,
Time: 9:10am Year 3 – 6 (Assembly area)
Week 10
Tuesday 12th December
Bring food for class parties (please remember no-nuts)
Volunteers Morning Tea 10:00 am in the staffroom
Wednesday 13th December
8:30am - Talent Show
Bring ‘wet gear’ to wash chairs and tables
School Reports go home
Thursday 14th December
2pm Year 6 farewell (Assembly area) Last Day of School
Friday 15th: Pupil Free Day
School Holidays: 18th December 2023 - 26th January 2024
Students Resume Tuesday 30th January 2024 - Term 1
Parent Voluntary Contributions 2023
Each year the School Council asks parents to consider making a contribution to help the school fund valuable resources to better facilitate your child’s education, and this year our main focus is Reading and Reading Resourses. The school contributions are $45 per term for Primary school students and $50 per term for Preschool students in 2023
If you would like to make a contribution please contact the front office.