Week 7 Term 4
Nightcliff Primary School
Hi everyone
Next week is Week 8. As school prepares for 2024, we start to collect borrowed items. Please assist us by being aware of the following timelines that apply to students:
Please Return/Collect
Week 8 – all readers and library books back by Friday 1st Dec 2023
Week 9 – collect items from Lost and Found box
Important Events
Week 8
Tuesday 28th November
Year 6 Graduation Diner & Dance 6:00pm - 9:00pm - Nightcliff Sports Club
Friday 1st December
Transition Tours for Preschool Parents @ 9:10 am & 1:40 pm - Bookings Essential
Week 9
Friday 8th December
Presentation Assembly 8:30-9:00am Preschool – Year 2, 9:10am Year 3 – 6 (Assembly area)
Week 10
Tuesday 12th December
Bring food for class parties (please remember no-nuts)
Wednesday 13th December
8:30am - Talent Show
Bring ‘wet gear’ to wash chairs and tables
School Reports go home
Thursday 14th December
2pm Year 6 farewell (Assembly area) Last Day of School
Some parents and carers are dropping their children off before 7:45am on Cunjevoi Cresent and Pandanus Streets, which is unsafe. A safer option for students being dropped off early, is to enter the school grounds via the rear entries to the oval located on Bauhinia Street. This gives direct access to the undercover basketball court. Teachers have discussed these options with students.
Please see map below. Also please be mindful when driving around the school, as we have had a number of complaints about drivers doing unsafe U-Turns on Pandanus Street near the crossing and drivers driving across the median strip on cunjevoi Cresent.
Parent Voluntary Contributions 2023
Each year the School Council asks parents to consider making a contribution to help the school fund valuable resources to better facilitate your child’s education, and this year our main focus is Reading and Reading Resourses. The school contributions are $45 per term for Primary school students and $50 per term for Preschool students in 2023
If you would like to make a contribution please contact the front office.
Have a great weekend!
Is your child leaving Nightcliff Primary School in 2023 and not returning in 2024 from Preschool - Year 5?
If so please contact the front office by Friday 1st Decmber 2023 on
ph no: 8948 8488
Kind Regards
Jo Glennon
Todays Upper Years Assembly
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Leaders
Two of our long standing Nightcliff Primary School students who have started their learning journey since Nightcliff PreSchool will be the first added to our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Leaders board at the front office display. Congratulations Jenaya and Chloe, on successfully finishing primary school, achieving and being positive role models to your peers and community!