Week 6 Term 4
Nightcliff Primary School
Hi everyone,
Welcome to Week 6
It has started raining today, so please ensure students bring a raincoat and umbrella to school and a spare change of socks. Please remind students to wait at the gates at the rear of the school when it rains as there is a shelter over the basketball court. Whilst the weather is still hot in between, please ensure students have a water bottle at school as many students are becoming overheated on the oval during lunchtime and need to keep hydrated at eating time prior. Teachers will be reminding students to hydrate as well.
School survey at work
We have our final school council meeting for the year next Tuesday 21st November. We are recruiting for 2024 as two parents have left their positions to travel interstate. If you are interested in having a say in the educational direction of the school please consider taking a parent position. If you are unable to attend but wish to apply, please email nightcliffpsc@gmail.com. This week we have worked through the ASIP for 2024 and the draft will be sent to the department and placed on our website on Monday 20 November. Please feel free to provide feedback to the school on the plan for 2024 and how families can be supported in their child’s learning journey. Please make an appointment with your child’s teacher anytime during the week to keep updated and please request their learning goals, as these should be available and known to students.
Have a great weekend.
School Council News
The NPS School Council is calling for new council members!
Due to the recent resignation of council members moving interstate, we are looking to bolster our ranks. If you are interested in joining this energetic and enthusiastic group of passionate parents to help grow our wonderful Primary School then please reach out to council members in person or contact us via email (nightcliffpsc@gmail.com).
We are particularly looking for parents interested in (a) helping shape the school’s approach to education (education committee) and (b) helping to build a vibrant and active school community (community engagement committee). There are different levels of engagement depending on your time and circumstances.
If you are interested or just curious, consider attending our next General Meeting at 5.30pm on Tuesday 21st November in the Staff Room.
For more information on what School Councils do: https://www.ntcogso.org.au/practical-help/school-representative-bodies.