Week 2 Term 4
Nightcliff Primary School Newsletter
Hi everyone,
Students this week have had a great week preparing Lego entries for the competition. Thank you to Ms Natasha Fyles MLA who has donated prizes for this competition.
Gate Opening Times
Thank you for your feedback regarding gate opening times. Some parents and carers are dropping their children off before 7:45am on Cunjevoi Cresent and Pandanus Streets, which is unsafe. As suggested previously, a safer option for students being dropped off early, is to enter the school grounds via the rear entries to the oval located on Bauhinia Street. This gives direct access to the undercover basketball court. Teachers have discussed these options with students.
Congratulations to our Lego competiton winners! Everyone did a wonderful job, we had some great creations.
Transition - Frances, Alice & Elsie
Year 1 - Sambhav & Raymond
Year 2 - Nathaniel, Kate & Maya
Year 3 - Samuel, Chloe & Olivia
Year 4 - Greta & Grace
Year 5 - Ruby
Year 6 - Sally
Check out our website for photos of the entries and winners.