Week 7 Term 3
Nightcliff Primary School Newsletter
Hi everyone,
We had an exciting Father’s and Carer’s breakfast this morning. Thank you to sponsors AJ Electrical and Night and Stone Boutique who donated prizes for our raffle. Thank you to all the parent helpers who assisted cooking on the BBQs for bacon and egg sandwiches and pancakes. It is lovely to see families connecting and meeting on our community space.
Upcoming events
NT Music School student performance Years 4-6 at assembly Friday 15th September from 8:10am.
Annual Extravaganza Dance Concert – Week 10 Thursday 21st September 5:00pm-6:30pm (whole school). (Sausage sizzle and poppers for sale, bring a picnic rug or chairs).
We are experiencing some students being disrespectful across the school with younger students and adults, speaking unkind words and seeking to break school rules. Please have a discussion to remind children about the importance of safety at school, in the classroom, in the playground and particularly before and after school, as the rules are there to support all students to feel safe. This also applies to ensuring students access the crossings, as driver behaviour can be unsafe at times, particularly Cunjevoi Crescent and Pandanus Streets after school.
Pupil Free Days – Vacation Care is available
For the remainder of the year these will be:
Monday 9th October (first day of term)
Friday 15th December (last day of term)
September Holidays 23rd September to 8th October – Vacation Care is available
Child Australia have a vacation care program for the September school holidays available at the front office. This will go in the next newsletter and on the website shortly.
Have a great weekend and enjoy the remainder of the Dry Season.
Dates to Remember....
Friday 8th: Early Years Assembly 2 Hardie/fraser @ 8:30 am
Monday 11th: Colour Fun Run Launch
Nightcliff Primary School Community Group Ideas Night @ 6pm in the Library
Tuesday 12th: NMS Orientation Day for Year 6 Students
Thursday 14th: R U OK Day?
Friday 15th: Upper Years Assembly@ 8:10 am
SRC Crazy Hair & Socks Day
Thursday 21st: School Extravaganza Concert 5-6:30 pm
Ride2School Day
Golf Gala Day
School Council News
Safe Boundaries Update
The capital works application for the fencing modifications as outlined in previous correspondence has been approved by the Department of Education and Department of Infrastructure Lands and Planning. These works will occur in the September holidays. During this time vacation care will access through the Pandanus Street drop zone and rear staff carpark.
When completed, we will amend signage on fencing to notify families of opening and closing times for gates going forward which will be the duty times of 7:45am and 2:45pm front and back of school and at Pandanus Street crossing. Front gates on Cunjevoi Crescent will remain unlocked during the day for families to access the Preschool and Front Office when needed and for the OHSC pick up zone in Cunjevoi Crescent. Students and families are welcome to use the oval playgrounds outside of these times as a community space, outside of school hours.
Nightcliff Primary School Community Group Ideas Night
“Do you have ideas for bringing kids, families, and our school community together? Would you like to be part of putting on events and activities that are fun, heartening and even educational for our kids, parents, teachers, neighbours and our families?
Well, We Need You!
Please come along to our Nightcliff Primary School Library at 6pm on Monday 11th September to share your ideas and help us build our active, vibrant and joyful school community!”