Week 4 Term 2
Nightcliff Primary School Newsletter
It’s Dambila (Barramundi) Season for Gulumoerrgin (Larrakia) country. Doedlirra (Green Sea Turtle) are hunted throughout the year except when they are mating and laying eggs.
Welcome to Week 4. Due to staff illnesses last week the newsletter has been delayed.
We are experiencing a peak in the flu and a number of teachers contracting Covid-19. We try to avoid splitting classes however in peak times of illness this is unavoidable if we are unable to secure relief teachers.
The beautiful dry season weather has seen many jumpers out and students playing well. A reminder that children often get wind burn on thier lips during the Dry Season and we are unable to provide creams to students. Please ensure they have access to creams such as Paw Paw ointment or Vaseline to ease this. Please remember sunscreen, hats and water bottles daily.
Professional learning
Staff have been busy preparing for report writing and professional observation cycles the past two weeks.
Attendance – 89% Goal 95%
Please contact us if your child is unwell to enable us to mark them as absent – Sick. Unnotified absences reduce our funding for teachers and support staff.
The Reading Tree is back! Please encourage your children to read before school starts at the brightly coloured picnic benches in the central playground.
School Council News
Keep an eye out for updates from School Council on the work they are doing in committees for the school. Parent information nights have been planned by the school to engage the community, with the support of the Community Engagement Committee and Education Committee, the first one being Reading shortly. School Council welcome parents and carers to come to any meetings held at any time. Keep watching here.
Our community space after assembly, every Friday, is the central playground. During this time our Play Therapist and school council members will be around for chats.
Enjoy the weather.
A replacement playground for our central playground is due to be installed in the June-July school holidays. A picture is shown below. This will replace the playground with the broken slide in central playground and increase the swing sets next to the library from 2 to 4 swings.
3 Pengilly - Science
Science: We have been exploring the observable properties of soils and describing their importance as resources.
Amber - “I loved looking at the different soils.”
Jesse- “I liked feeling the different types of soils and adding the water after made the colours change.”
Stella - “There are so many different soil colours.”
School Photos 25th & 26th May
To order your school photos online from Advancedlife go to www.advancedlife.com.au
ONLINE CODE: DJC N5D WMZ orders are due by 24th May 2023.
Cash Payment enevelopes have gone home with students, please complete all fields, enclose exact cash payment (no change availble on the day) and return by 24th May. Sibling envelopes are avalible from the front office.
Year 3 & 4 Art
NPS Sport
Last Term on April 5th, NPS, NPS sent 5 teams to compete in the annual Darwin Region Schools Soccer Gala Day. Our soccer crazed students had a fun and memorable day, which included two of our teams going through undefeated and winning their respective divisions. Nightcliff 1 won Division 1 and Nightcliff 3 won Division 2.
Members of our full 2023 Soccer Squad were: Zoe, Jenaya, Zaviera, Mira, Lily, Graganpreet, Martha, Despina, Chloe, Elliot, Henry, Louis, Sebastian, Ben, Will G, Taj G, Michael J, Abel, Zac M, Danny, Daly, Hugo, Fynn, Flynn, Henry, Si, Rohan, Michael K, Abdul, Calum, Samuel, Kosta, Odenn, Harrison, Jonathan, Lachlan, Asa, Rochak, Zac C, Lleyton, Monte, Jude, Mason, Rishan, Mathew Ryan (Coach), Leon Gray (Coach) & Anja Behlmer (Coach).
Mathew Ryan
NPS HPE Teacher & Sporting Schools Coordinator
Last Term on April 4th, NPS had an exciting sporting spectacle that featured the NBL’s Darwin Salties and our Year 4/5/6 NPS Tigers. Playing on our home court, our students had an amazing experience and a lot of fun playing against their NBL idols. Highlights of the game included:
- Darwin Salties displaying many ‘Harlem Globetrotters’ like plays that wowed the crowd
- Heaps of successful long range 3 point shots
- A close score line of 40 – 37 in the Darwin Salties favour
Our Year 4/5/6 Sporting Schools Basktball Squad have been training on a weekly basis with both DBA and Darwin Salties coaches since the start of Term 1and their skill development really shone through during the game. I was really proud of all of them.
Members of the NPS Tigers team are: Mason, Will G, Taj, Elliot, Daly, Monte, Zac M, Henry, Jaxx Aiden, Tom, Sid, Jenaya, Pippa, Chloe, Eve, Sylvie, TJ, Jordan, Jude, Sebastian, Louis, Fynn, Rohan, Lily H & Mat Ryan (Coach)
Mathew Ryan
Nightcliff Primary School
HPE Teacher & Sporting Schools Coordinator
Last Friday our school was lucky to have a couple of legends visit us from the NBA and AFL. Chris Anstey is 7 ft tall and played basketball against some of the greats like Michael Jordan and Kobe Bryant. Dustin Fletcher Played with the Essendon Bombers for 23 seasons and won 2 premierships. They ran some basketball and AFL clinics with the students from the SEDA college. Our students had opportunities to get signatures and ask questions about their amazing sports careers. It was a great day had by all. Thanks to everyone who helped organise this special treat.
Liam Stephenson P.E Teacher