Parent Communication
Communication to Parents
Please be advised the NPS Newsletter will now be sent out each fortnight (on even weeks). Additional Information to parents will be sent out via Schoolzine Parent Communucation as required.
You can reach your class teacher via email (see Staff page on website) or Class Dojo.
Whole School Professional Development Days
Whole School Professional Development Days -Pupil Free Days
The new Enterprise Agreement now provides for five professional development days, to be held as follows:
- One day before students commence for the school year;
- On the first day of the second, third and fourth term (unless otherwise approved by the CE or relevant delegate); and
- An additional pupil free day will also be held on the last day of Term 4 of each year. Principals have flexibility to utilise this last working day at any point throughout the year. They may opt to run planning workshops a few days after hours or on weekends. If planning is conducted ahead of the last working day of each year, teachers are entitled to this day in lieu of the additional hours taken to participate in the prior planning/workshops. Schools must provide evidence to the department of the prior planning/workshops undertaken.
Uniform - Update
School uniform is compulsory for all students at Nightcliff Primary
Nightcliff Primary has a school uniform that students are expected to wear. Wearing the uniform gives the children a sense of unity and pride and is an integral part of participating in the life of the school. It also enables parents to avoid discussions about clothing suitability. The easy identification of students also complies with our ‘Stranger – Danger’ program.
School uniform consists of:
- Two tone yellow and black polo shirt with school logo
- Shorts or skorts with school logo, plain black shorts can also be worn.
- Broad brimmed hat
- Footwear – all students must wear footwear suitable for running and sport activities.
- Sandals must be closed in with adjustable straps
- Any rubber-based shoes are not acceptable at school e.g. thongs, crocs
- Dresses - please note dresses are on sale for $ 30.00
Uniform Change
- New uniforms with lighter material (cooler) will be introduced as new stock
- Plain black shorts are acceptable for our school uniform
Parent Voluntary Contribution
Parent Voluntary Contributions 2023
Each year the School Council asks parents to consider making a contribution to help the school fund items and activities which the school deems essential for student learning. This year we have extended contributions to include building stocks of take-home decodable readers that align to the Read Write Inc program for Years T-2. (We will be targeting increasing the number of Lexile home reading novels for Years 3-6 from fundraising monies received from Scholastic Bookfairs).
For 2023, the school contributions are $180 per year ($45 per term) for Primary school students and $50 per term for Preschool students in 2022.
We accept cash or credit card. Your support and contribution to the school is much appreciated.
If you have any questions please contact the front office on 8948 8488 or via email
If a contribution has already been made, please disregard this notice.
School Council
Harmony Day
Harmony day will now be celebrated on Friday 24th March at our 1 Bryson & 1 Park Early Years assembly. Orange or Cultural attire can be worn (no gold coin donation)
Have your say - Millner Primary and Nightcliff Primary survey
Millner Primary School and Nightcliff Primary School priority enrolment areas review
The Northern Territory Department of Education is undertaking a review of the Priority Enrolment Areas for Millner Primary School and Nightcliff Primary School with regard to the suburb of Coconut Grove.
The suburb of Coconut Grove is currently in the Priority Enrolment Area for both Millner Primary School and Nightcliff Primary School.
The department proposes the suburb of Coconut Grove:
- is removed from Nightcliff Primary School’s priority enrolment area.
- remains in Millner Primary School’s priority enrolment area on an ongoing basis.
This proposal is based on:
- enrolment numbers
- operational capacity
- geographical location
- established bus routes.
Important Information
Families who currently live in Coconut Grove and have children enrolled in Nightcliff Primary School will continue to be welcome to attend this school. Their siblings will be eligible to attend Nightcliff Primary School or Millner Primary School.
The principals of both Millner Primary School and Nightcliff Primary School have been consulted in the early stage of the review and are supportive of the proposed change.
The department is seeking your feedback on the proposed changes. We want to know about any potential impacts both positive and negative on students, families, staff and school communities. Use the survey below to share your feedback.
More Information
Contact Ms Tracy McIntyre, Director School Operations Darwin via email to