Week 10 Term 1
Nightcliff Primary School Newsletter
It’s Mayilema (Speargrass) season – knock’em down season - for Gulumoerrgin (Larrakia) country. The native cherry is fruiting. Betbiyan (flat back turtle) are laying their eggs.
Dear Parents and Carers
Welcome to Week 10.
Student Progress
This is a short week with parent teacher interviews being held Tuesday to inform parents and carers of the progress of their child at this point in time against the Year Level Achievement Standards of the Australian Curriculum.
If you have not had a chance to meet with the teacher, please note you can arrange a meeting anytime during the year by emailing the teacher to arrange a time before or after school during the week. The contact details for our teachers are on the school website under the staff page.
Student leadership
Congratulations to all of our students in Years 3-6 who have received a leadership position this year. These students were congratulated on Friday at the leadership presentation assembly and are proudly wearing their badges in the yard to let others know who can assist them.
Some minor works will occur over the school holidays. These will include maintaining and repairing of areas and rooms. We plan to have one item of excitement installed for students to come back to school to see after school holidays and students in the NT Learning Commission and SRC will now begin the process of collecting student voice to inform playground upgrades and purchase of equipment that students are requesting. This year soccer has become popular again after 2022 being a basketball year.
Parking issues continue at the front of the school. There are a number of spaces available from 2:35pm once families start to move out of these. When parents are parking in the emergency bay this tends to back up the traffic around the corner into Pandanus Street rather than allow others to continue ahead to the vacant spaces. Please continue to be vigilant in leaving the emergency bay clear.
Please also be mindful of students exiting the school at this point in time. We have employed additional support people for our maintenance officer. Jit and John will be manning the crossings in Cunjevoi Crescent going forward to support safety.
Please remember that attendance is required up to the end of the term and at the beginning of each term to ensure students are progressing with their curriculum lesson sequences that teachers have planned and prepared for. The department of education focus on attendance this year is that there are 40 weeks of school. The school is funded on attendance (not enrolment) to provide the number of teachers and support staff of the school. We have been at 90% attendance and unfortunately that means only 90% of funding available to staff the school. If you require assistance to get your child to school, please email the classroom teacher or school, so we are aware of changing circumstances that may be impacting you.
In Term 2 text messaging will go out for all unnotified absences twice a day after 8:30am and at 1:35pm when rolls are marked. Please ensure phone numbers are up to date. Transition students are to be signed in and out of their classrooms and students attend the front office if late.
The weather is starting to move into the lovely Dry Season and we wish all of our families a safe and happy holiday period during Easter break and the school holidays.
Dates to Remember
Friday 7th: Good Friday - Public Holiday
Friday 7th to Friday 14th: Mid Semester Break
Term 2
Monday 17th: Pupil Free Day - Staff Professional Development Day
Tuesday 18th: Students Resume School.
Tuesday 18th to Friday 28th: Transition, Years 1 and 2 Swimming Lessons
Monday 24th: Anzac Day Assembly
Tuesday 25th: Anzac Day -No School
Lego Competition
NPS Lego Challenge winners are:
Ada – Preschool (winner) Raymond – Year 1 (winner) Max – Year 1 (highly commended)
Louis – Year 2 (winner) Samuel – Year 5 (winner)
There were some lovely messages of sustainability measures and reasons why we need to look after the environment.
Upper Years Assembly - 4 Hauser
4 Hauser played out a wonderful skit about reading strategies. The message was ‘Do not guess!’ Well done to the class for presenting and speaking in front of the school! Congratulations to our merit certificate recipients and our amazing students selected to represent Darwin region in their chosen sports!
Back To School Payment Scheme 2023
Please be mindful the $150 Back To School Payment expires on Thursday April 6th. If your child has a balance remaining this can be used for uniforms and book packs.
Upper Primary Art
Years 3-6 Art with Ms Benson
This term in Art class students in years 3 to 6 have been learning about the artist Ken Done. We have explored his different artworks and students have created their own portrait paintings using his bright, simplistic style. Make sure you come to our Art exhibition being held in Week 10 Tuesday 2:30pm onwards in the Assembly, information below.
Buddy Reading - 4 Fereday & 3 Costelloe
Year 4 students from Ms Fereday’s class embraced the opportunity to pair up with members from 3 Costello’s split class, to perform some buddy reading. The Year 4 students enjoyed the chance to get to meet new friends and provided engagement and encouragement in reading. The Year 3 students enjoyed reading and receiving one-on-one feedback, as well as building relationships with their older peers. Buddy reading activities are frequent across the school and many classes regularly partake in buddy reading across mixed aged groups.