Week 3 Term 1
Nightcliff Primary School Newsletter
It’s Dalay (Monsoon) Season for Gulumoerrgin (Larrakia) country but we are still missing the predicted monsoon rains. The Biyamarrma (Pandanus) and Gwilirrimba (Sand Palm) are fruiting which means red dye can be sourced to dye natural fibres such as Denela (string bags) and Malarrmamba (Pandanus mats).
Hi everyone
Welcome to Week 3.
How do I assist my child’s new year level of learning?
As your child starts a new year level, remember that you can support your child’s learning by:
- Reviewing next steps from school reports in 2022
- Asking them their current personal learning goals
- Working alongside them regularly when they revise at home
Where do I find information about my child’s year level expectations?
Information about your child’s year level program will is available via:
- Parent information afternoon in classrooms on Thursday 16th February
- Term overview
- Letter home (classroom routines and organisation)
- ClassDojo app (celebrations of learning, events, and reminders) – see link and forms below
- Wellbeing and Behaviour Management Policy
- Nightcliff Primary School Website – parent portal
- Australian Curriculum Website
How do I contact my child’s class teacher?
You can speak directly to your childs Teacher before or after school to organsise a meeting, or contact them via email, firstname.surname@education.nt.gov.au please refer to the staff page on the NPS website for email details by clicking the yellow contact me button.
Dates to Remember
Friday 17th: Welcome to NPS Community Morning Tea @ 7.30am in the Central Playground
Thursday 23rd: Parent Information Afternoon in classrooms
Transition, Years 1 and 2: 3pm to 3.30pm
Years 3, 4, 5 and 6:3.30pm to 4pm
Friday 24th: Early Years Assembly @ 8:30am 2 Hardie & 2 Fraser
Friday 24th: Early Years Assembly @ 8:30am 1 Trikilis & 1 Vlamos
Wednesday 15th to Monday 27th: NAPLAN
Thusday 16th: Annual General Meeting @ 5:30pm in the staffroom - All welcome
Monday 20th to Wednesday 22nd: Year 6 Batchelor Camp
Wednesday 22nd to Friday 24th: Year 5 Batchelor Camp
Friday 31st: Lego Competition
Leadership Presentation Assembly @ 8:30 am
Friday 7th: Good Friday - No School
Monday 10th: Easter Monday - No School
Friday 7th to Friday 14th: Mid Semester Break
Monday 17th: School resumes
Back to School Payment Scheme 2023
Please ensure your back to school $150 voucher is used for student book packs, uniforms or excursions before Thursday April 6th as it expires at the end of term 1.
Canteen News
Lunch orders can be organised at the counter between 8:00am and 8:30am, you will need a paper bag labelled with students name, their class teacher's name and the correct money inside. Lunchboxes are located in classrooms and delivered to the canteen each morning so children can bring their labelled paper bag with their order daily. To order online using the QuickCliq QR code below please ensure you place your order online before 9am daily using the following link: