Week 8 Term 3
Nightcliff Primary School
It’s Darlirrgang (Build up) Season for Gulumoerrgin (Larrakia) country. The Red Flowering Kurrajong tells you Malagujinba (sharks) are fat and ready for hunting.
Hi everyone, welcome to Week 8!
Before school
We have a number of students at school well before 7:30 am, and there is no one on duty or available for first aid. Please assist us to keep your child safe whilst at school. We ask that students sit and wait until a teacher on duty is present, visible by the high viz jackets. This is currently 7:55 am, and classes open at 8:10 am. Please talk to your child about these rules, as they are there for their safety.
During school
Please remind students to refrain from running on concrete. We have had a number of parents and carers, and teachers run into students hurting themselves unnecessarily. Signage clearly states all children should walk on concrete paths, and this is outlined in our playground rules in the behaviour and wellbeing management policy.
After School
Students at all exits from the school are required to sit and wait safely for parents and carers to pick them up, keeping an eye out and their belongings with them. Please ensure you pick up students by 2:45 pm as gates are shut for after-school care programs, there is no one on duty, and teachers are still working or in meetings.
Valuables, bikes and bags
Some students have had bags, bikes, watches and mobile phones go missing. Occasionally a child will pick up a similar bag/bike or misplace their bag/bike. Please bring a bike lock to ensure bikes are safe when the bike racks are open before school and after school. Please do not bring valuables to schools such as smartwatches, jewellery and mobile phones. If your child needs a mobile phone, they are to be locked in the classroom teachers’ drawer during the day as per our Mobile Phone and Smartwatch policy. We get people walking through the premises during these times, and valuables go missing. It is your child’s responsibility to look after their belongings.
Wednesday 7th: Beat Choir Rehearsal (during school hours) then Performance @ DEC 6-9 pm Band Forecourt performance 6:15 pm arrive no later than 5:40 pm
Thursday 8th: School Council General Meeting 5:30pm - 7:00pm @ Staffroom
Friday 9th: Early Years Assembly Transition Wilkinson/Moore @ 8:30 am
Week 9 & 10 Healthy Harold & Book Fair
Tuesday 13th: Three Way Conversations - Book online at www.schoolinterviews.com.au
Thursday 15th: Year 4 Sleepover
Friday 16th: Year 4 King Pin Excursion
NTLC Excursion @ Girraween Primary
Wednesday 21st: Yr 6 Nightcliff Middle School Orientation Day
Thursday 22nd: NPS Extravaganza Preschool –Yr.2 4pm-5pm Yrs.3-6 5:30pm 6:30pm
Lego Competition Library 2:30pm – 5:30pm
Friday 23rd: Tennis Gala Day, Ride2School Day, Beach Volley Ball Gala Day
Early Years Assembly 2 Needham/Wall @ 8:30 am
Last day of Term 3 - School Resumes Monday 10th October
*Please note some of these events may be subject to change*
From School Council
Father’s Day Breakfast
Thank you so much to all the parents/carers and local businesses who supported and made the NPS Father’s Day Breakfast happen last Friday morning. Thank you also to the NPS office staff who supported the Council. It was a great morning, and wonderful to see so many families come along! Happy Father’s Day!
Our Community Engagement Committee is an enthusiastic group of parents who volunteer their time to coordinate this and other events for our school community. They are always looking for extra helpers. Thank you, Community Engagement Committee!
Industrial Action
The School Council would like to acknowledge the impact of the current Industrial Relations campaign on parents and community events. The current advice from the Australian Education Union is that their members ‘work to rule’, i.e. workers only work their contracted hours and only attend to their mandatory paid duties within those contracted hours. This means the school cannot expect teachers to work after 3:21 pm. This highlights the volunteer labour teachers so often contribute to our children’s schooling. This has had and will continue to have an impact on out-of-school hours events until the negotiations are complete.
We were very thankful that Jo Glennon made herself available for the SRC disco to proceed last week and appreciate that students all attended with an adult. Thank you also for the hard work of the SRC students!
We are concerned about the ongoing effects of the industrial action, which may include the Yr4 Sleepover in week 9 and the Extravanganza in week 10. We want you to know that the school is aware that these impacts can be hard for students, families and teachers. We appreciate the effort Jo Glennon and the leadership team are making to balance all the competing issues. They will keep us up to date with changing plans and are aware that sometimes these will be last-minute changes.
As a School Council, we appreciate the teachers at Nightcliff Primary and all the work they do. We are lucky to have a wonderful group of teachers who care for our kids and help them learn.
General meeting this week - Council is meeting this week. Thursday (8/9) at 5:30 pm in the Staff Room. Parents are welcome to attend.
Joanna Kuswadi
NPS Council Chair
Year 1 Field have been participating in buddies with 5 Fowler since the beginning of Term 2. We have had lots of fun with our big buddies doing art and craft and playing fun games.
Last week 1 Field tie-dyed socks for our Father’s Day presents with the help of our big buddies. Students picked a design they liked, put rubber bands around the socks and added different coloured dyes to create their socks!
During this term, 2,000 children around Australia participated in the CBCA sun project: shadow judging. There were 155 groups in total, and each chose a CBCA Book of the Year Awards Shortlist category to shadow judge.
Mrs Wendy Fanning has facilitated the project at Nightcliff Primary during specialist Art lessons with the Early Years classes. The project also involved creating art responses to the short-listed books. Some of the responses can be found on the national website www.shadowjudging.cbca.org.au. The project has been a success at Nightcliff as students were reading for a purpose, interacting with the story by posing questions, debating ideas, and questioning the author/illustrator with more astute observations.
Drumming Students
Year 5 and 6 Drumming students have been working in a safe environment exploring bullying concepts that can occur within and outside of the school. The aim of the Drumming group is to develop an understanding of the Flight, Fight and Freeze response and the impact it can have on self-esteem. Students develop a mutual appreciation of individuals and learn techniques that support social and emotional well-being.