Week 6 Term 3
Nightcliff Primary School
It’s Gurrulwa guligi (Big wind time) Season for Gulumoerrgin (Larrakia) country. When Yellow Kapok is flowering it signifies the time for ceremonies and celebrations of life, rebirth and the rejuvenation of people and country.
Welcome to the halfway point for Term 3. We have only 73 days of school left. For our Year 6 students this is an exciting time as they prepare for Middle School. We have a Transitioning orientation day coming up on 21st September at Nightcliff Middle School and the students will get to live a middle schooling program that day. We also will be taking small groups over the NMS to participate in enrichment classes in Technology aligned to our programs for continuity.
Congratulations to our NT Music School instrumental students and concert band who performed today in front of a large audience including students and many parents and carers. The music teachers Mr Scot Trenwith and Ms Genevieve Meehan have been at the school for many years and run an amazing program encouraging our young students to a embrace a love of music and experiment with trombones, saxaphones, trumpets, drums, guitars, flutes and clarinets to make an amazing sound together. Check out our Facebook page and website for photos and videos of these events.
Thank you for your attendance at our first movie night this year last Thursday. It was well attended and enjoyed by all.
Please join me in thanking our sponsors Wigg Plumbing, Van De Graff family, Prime Meats, Natasha Fyles MLA, Katja’s Delicious Popcorn, our school council members and volunteer parents who assisted on the night to cook and serve food and clean up. A big thank you to the organisers Giggling Geckos Movie hire who were awesome on the night.
We have had many parents and carers let us know that parking during pick up and drop off times is becoming dangerous again. Whilst we engage the NT Police and Darwin City Council rangers to attend from time to time, our key message is for parents and carers to please exercise caution when driving around the school. We have had some cars park in the drop zone preventing others from dropping off and also doing U-turns in front of other cars dangerously near the Pandanus Street crossing, whilst students are on the crossing.
We would ask that parents and carers of students in the older age groups start parking on Bauhinia Steet or Oleander street for drop-offs and pickups from now on, suggesting Years 3-6 students meet parents here. If they have siblings, perhaps they can walk them to this area to reduce the number of cars at the front of the school.
Nightcliff Primary School Survey
Our annual school survey is now open. We ask that all parents complete the survey. Your feedback helps us to identify our strengths and opportunities for improvement. Please click the link to access the survey and enter the survey access code p2suVUUL
School photos have arrived.
Parents can now pick up their child’s photos if they requested them to be sent to the front office.
Nightcliff Eco Warriors Excursion
On Thursday, the 18th, our Nightcliff Eco Warriors went to the Territory Wildlife Park to research how we can improve our school grounds to promote local wildlife inhabitancies in Finch’s Forrest. Our students were very enthusiastic, polite and engaged with all the talks and shows they went to see. We started by feeding the joeys, then went to the bird show where we spoke to the presenter about ways we can promote birds in our school. We then walked to the bird aviary before coming back to school.
Eco Warrior students are now seeking hollow logs good for birds to live and nest in as well as helpers to build bird and possum boxes. We will be researching creative ways to make bird baths out of recycled materials for Finch’s Forest. If any parents would like to be a part of these initiatives please contact Mrs Benson or Mr Hauser via email caitlyn.benson@education.nt.gov.au, greg.hauser@education.nt.gov.au
Territory wildlife Park
Transition Morgan
Week 5 was Science week, promoting and celebrating the field of science. Transition classes were learning about glass and magnifying glasses.
Transition Morgan went for a walk around the school to find some minibeasts and have a close look through magnifying glasses. Once we returned to class, we drew a picture of what we found.
I spy with my little eye,
Things get bigger if you try,
Using the magnifying glass,
Truly it is first class!
Year 5 & 6 Maths
Year 5 and 6 Math’s with Miss Mackie
We have been learning about fractions and reviewing our understanding of equivalent fractions – fractions that represent the same value, even though they look different.
To celebrate this and add an extra level of complexity, in groups students were given different amounts of paper with the challenge to create a landscape using only PARTS of each shape. They had to workout the fraction of each part used by identifying its equivalence from the whole.
Connecting Decimal Numbers and Fractions in Year 4 with Miss Mackie
In Miss Mackie’s year 4 Maths group we have been learning how to represent amounts of parts and wholes as words, decimal numbers, and fractions. We have been having lots of lightbulb moments of how these three representations link together!
To consolidate these light bulb moments and practice our understanding of place value we have been playing an exciting game called Build a Castel. In teams, students work together to solve a question as fast as possible to set a pretend catapult at another team’s castle.
Book Week
The CBCA Shadowers’ Choice Awards
Over 2,000 young voices, in 134 groups of Shadow Judges, have cast their ballots in the CBCA Sun Project: Shadow Judging. Voting closed on Friday July 29. The announcement of the winners will be made during CBCA Book Week on August 26. After lots of discussion and voting in class, the T – 2 Shadow Judges at Nightcliff are hoping to see Stellarphant by James Foley take the prize for Picture Book of the Year.
Here is a useful link CBCA
Dates to remember
Monday 22nd - Friday 26th: Book Week
Friday 26th: Whole School Book Week Dress-up Assembly @ 8:30 am
Tue 30th - Wed 31st: Year 5 Parliament House Excursion
Thursday 1st: Footy Colours Day - Gold Coin Donation
SRC Disco - Early Yrs. 5:30pm – 6:30pm Upper Primary 6:45pm-7:45pm
Friday 2nd: Super Hero Dress Up Day
School Council Father’s Day Breakfast 7:30am – 8:30am https://signup.com/go/HidOfSo volunteer link
School Council News
My name is Bec Henry, and I am the Treasurer of the school council. I have 2 boys at NPS in year 5 and year 3. I initially joined the school council as my family had recently moved from Melbourne (just before Covid hit!!), and it seemed like a great way to meet new parents. I have now been part of the school council for two and a half years and treasurer for a year and a half of that.
I am also part of the Community Engagement committee that works tirelessly on events to strengthen our school community. If you would like to get involved with helping run these events, or you have an idea for an event, we would love to hear from you. Please email nightcliffpsc@gmail.com if you would like to find out more.