Week 2 Term 3
Nightcliff Primary School
It’s Gurrulwa guligi (Big wind time) Season for Gulumoerrgin (Larrakia) country. When Yellow Kapok is flowering it signifies the time for ceremonies and celebrations of life, rebirth and the rejuvenation of people and country.
Hi everyone
Welcome to Week 2.
We have our Age Grade Census coming up in Week 3 alongside the National Consistent Collection of Data for students with a disability or additional needs. Attendance is crucial every day, but particularly for census dates to assist funding for schools and to plan for classing support in 2023. If required, please ensure you are attending Educational Adjustment Plan review meetings with our assigned Special Education Team teachers, Ms Bubb (P-1), Ms Cleanthous (Yrs 2-3)and Ms Brown (Yrs 4-6), so they can collate this very important data used to support these students in 2023.
This week we continue to have many children and staff away sick with Covid and are reminding parents and carers to please continue to notify the school of positive cases with your child as we are required to report on this each week to the Department of Education and for online learning needs if you require. You will receive the Term Overview and Letter from the class for this term home shortly explaining the programs for this term.
We will load our whole school curriculum plan to the website as well for future reference if you need to understand what your child is required to learn at each year level and when this is being delivered.
Our NT Learning Commissioners will be attending a school session on 19th August to discuss how their work on Mathematics, Reading and Wellbeing data targets are going. We have some exciting news to share regarding the Read Write Inc program, which students in Transition and Year 1 have been attending at 9:10-10:10 daily this year. This research-based approach supported by the Department of Education has produced significant progress for these students and has built their confidence in reading. Check out our data wall below! Our parent/carer information night for this program presented by Jasmine Shannon (DOE) has been postponed due to illness but will go ahead on Tuesday 9th August.
Please find information regarding the Read Write Inc program on our website. We will be investigating the use of progress graphs in reading and mathematics in our next round of school reports in Semester 2. Thank you for your continued feedback, and please note the school survey is open shortly. Alongside teacher feedback and student's voice, the additional information and questions we are receiving, through parents and carers, emails and our school council Education Committee, are continuing to drive school improvement and academic results as we try innovative new researched practices.
Dates to remember
Friday 29th: National Plant a Tree Day -Assembly @8:30am at the basketball court Song by 2 Fraser & 2 Hardie
Tree planting @ 9:10 am
Monday 1st: Picnic Holiday - No School
Thursday 5th: DLC’s Survivors (Indonesian challenge) program Darwin Language Centre @ Girraween Primary School
Friday 5th: Table Tennis Gala Day
Teddy Bears Picnic Preschool - Year 2 @ 9:15 am - 10:10 am
* Please note for planned excursions, you will receive a permission note if your child is required to attend.
* These dates are subject to change due to the current climate and staffing requirements.
School Council News
It was wonderful to see such a great turnout from the school community at the Mother’s Day event in May 2022. Thanks to all that came along to support our school and the mothers in our lives. Due to requirements to minimise risks as per Covid-19 safety planning, we chose to use a catering service to provide a range of delicious food. As we return to the new normal, for future events would like to return to the sausage sizzle/pancake style catering loved by the school community.
The Father’s Day breakfast will be on 2nd September 2022 and we are putting out an early call for volunteers for cooking and helping to organise this event. Sign up using the link below and keep your eye out for a second call out closer to the day.
Shadow judging - Transition Witte judging ‘Just One Bee’ by Margrete Lamond, Anthony Bertini & Christopher Nielsen (Illustrator)……
This term, the specialist T-2 Art classes have been working as Shadow Judges for the CBCA (Children’s Book Council of Australia) Book of the Year Awards. This initiative connects young people to great literature. During CBCA Book Week, we celebrate reading for pleasure and applaud our awarded books.
The Sun Project: Shadow Judging is a new addition to the calendar in 2022. Young voices from groups across Australia were invited to join the conversation about the annual Shortlist and choose their own winners. The results will be announced at the end of CBCA Book Week at the first ever Shadowers’ Choice Awards (26 August).
With help from Ms Wendy, Nightcliff Primary school was successful in applying to become part of the Shadow Judging. We were lucky to receive some financial assistance to engage an author/illustrator for a workshop (Sandra Kendell is visiting Year 2 this Thursday) and also to purchase copies of the six shortlisted Picture Books (our chosen category for judging).
Keep your eyes on this space as we complete our Shadow Judging responses.