Week 10 Term 2
Nightcliff Primary School
It’s Dinidjanggama (Heavy dew time) Season for Gulumoerrgin (Larrakia) country. Heavy dew dampens the grass in the morning. Agile Wallabies (Macropus agilis) are the Top End’s most common kangaroo. They feed in large groups on green pick in areas burnt by fire. Antilopine Wallaroos (Macropus antilopinus) live in small groups in grassy woodlands.
Welcome to Week 10.
We acknowledge that many families are keen to travel in the holidays as Covid-19 restrictions ease. Attendance continues to be a major focus of the Department of Education and schools. 10 days of improved attendance can greatly affect student’s outcomes for one year and Year 12 completion rates have been linked to at risk flags identified early for attendance, behaviour, English and Mathematics results. Every day counts.
From a legal standpoint, please let our front office staff know if you are intending not to attend any school day, as we are required to enter attendance codes daily for all absence reasons. The Department of Education direct schools to follow up absences daily. U-unnotified codes affect Centre-link payments for families and funding for the school to enable staffing and resources. Un-notified (U) attendance codes could also indicate a safety issue e.g. dropped off and not turned up.
Holidays taken during school terms, require a request for sanction from the Principal for the first 2 weeks and then require sanctioning from the Regional Attendance team via the Principal.
The school will continue to send automated text messages sent from our Student Administration System to your mobile number for daily response. Please let us know if your number changes to enable us to contact you if there is an emergency at the school or your child becomes sick or has a major injury during the day. It can become distressing for students when parents/carers cannot be contacted.
I would like to thank the hard work of the NT Learning Commissioners this term who have been working on ways to improve Mathematics through the Times-table challenge and continue to promote healthy eating and reading amongst early childhood classes. Please see the flyer in the NT Learning Commissioners regarding this week’s tournament.
We wish all students, families and teachers a well-deserved break. All staff will be on holiday during this term break.
School council news
It was wonderful to see such a great turnout from the school community at the Mother’s Day event in May 2022. Thanks to all that came along to support our school and the mothers and carers in our lives. Due to requirements to minimise risks as per Covid-19 safety planning, we chose to use a catering service to provide a range of delicious food. As we return to the new normal, for future events would like to return to the sausage sizzle/pancake style catering loved by the school community.
The Father’s Day breakfast will be on 2nd September 2022 and we are putting out an early call for volunteers for cooking and helping to organise this event. Please email nightcliffpsc@gmail.com.
Dates to remember
Friday 24th: Assembly - Times-Table Challenge run by the NT Learning Commissioners.
Upper Primary 8:30 am - 9:10 am
Early Years Transition- Yr 2 - 9:30 am - 10:10 am
Last day of term 2
Monday 18th: Pupil Free Day - Teachers Return
Tuesday 19th: Student Resume - Term 3
Year 6 Science/Design & Technology Projects
Year 6 students are working on a combined project to design and create tiny model rooms or houses incorporating Design Technology and Science. Students made their rooms or houses using cardboard joining techniques learnt in Design and Technology. The design brief included installing at least one light with a switch using knowledge of electrical circuits learnt in Science.
Students have worked collaboratively on their models and shown excellent teamwork skills and creativity. We are excited to see the finished products at the beginning of Term 3.
Erin Costelloe (Design and Tech) & Louise Bright (Science)