Week 9 Term 2
Nightcliff Primary School
It’s Dinidjanggama (Heavy dew time) Season for Gulumoerrgin (Larrakia) country. Fires burn into the night. Dangutjbela (kangaroos) and Milula (wallabies) rely on the fires for the growth of new green grass.
Dear Parents/Carers
The weather continues to be beautiful and we are noticing many happy kids wearing hoodies and jumpers to celebrate the arrival of the Dry.
This week's events:
School photos
Sports Gala day-Athletics years 5/6
Year 3 excursion to DEC 'Roald Dahl and the Imagination Seekers'
V8 supercar visit -peer mediators
This year we will be continuing to build on experiences shared between the campuses of Nightcliff Primary School and Nightcliff Middle School as part of our Nightcliff Education Network of schools and familiarisation with middle schooling programs.
Have a great week.
Dates to remember
Every Friday: Swim Team Training Years 3-6 Time: 1:00 pm - 2:30 pm
Wednesday 15th: Preschool and Early Years School Photos
Athletics Gala Day - Marrara 8:10 am - 3:00 pm
Community Engagement Meeting @ 2:45 pm in the staff room
School Safety Boundaries Group Meeting @ 4:00 pm
Our online-only canteen will be closed Thursday 16th & Friday 17th Sorry for the inconvenience.
Thursday 16th: Year 3 excursion to DEC 'Roald Dahl and the Imagination Seekers' Wednesday 22nd: School Reports Home
Friday 24th: Last day of term 2
Monday 18th: Pupil Free Day - Teachers Return
Tuesday 19th: Student Resume - Term 3
School Council News
Community Engagement Meeting 2:45 pm Wednesday 15th June in the staffroom
The Community Engagement subcommittee of the NPS School Council is recruiting!!
We are looking for energetic and enthusiastic parents/carers to join the group to help coordinate events to engage our school community.
We have a handful of events in mind (i.e. a movie night or a quiz night; art fair; lego competition) but are open to suggestions for novel events, particularly those drawing on the diverse array of cultures within the school.
The level of commitment is up to you: either leading the charge; or working behind the scenes.
If you are interested, please see come to the meeting or contact the School Council by email at nightcliffpsc@gmail.com
(copy & paste link)
School Safety Boundaries Group Meeting @ 4:00 pm
School Safety Boundaries Project Working Group 15/6/22 4:00 pm @ staffroom or join on your computer or mobile app. Our aim for the meeting is to develop a brief. A suggestion is that we should adopt the one that was previously written for the detailed master plan including landscaping options.
Did you know Nightcliff Primary School had a Bike Hospital?
As part of the school's suite of road safety and active travel initiatives, a group of volunteers run a mobile bike hospital outside the middle year's bike lockup.
The Bike Hospital operates every Wednesday morning from 7.45 to 8.15 am. Our volunteers do a range of running repairs on kids' and parents'/carers bikes.
So if you have a flat tyre or squeaky brakes, come along on a Wednesday morning and our bike doctors will fix it for you.
(We are looking for volunteers to help fix bikes so come along on a Wednesday morning if you want to be involved.)