Week 8 Term 2
Nightcliff Primary School
Dear Parents and Carers
As the term starts to speed up to the holiday break we are holding many events to keep energy levels and engagement high. We have Reading Trees occurring in our beautiful weather and a times-tables challenge happening for classes with a tournament in Week 10 on Friday 24th of June. These ideas are from our NT Learning commissioners, to encourage these foundation skills, as this year’s ASIP focus.
We have been experiencing some concerns from parents and carers regarding online bullying and cyber safety in particular the use of gaming and social media websites and applications. Common websites mentioned are Roadblox, Fortnite, Granny 3, Snapchat, Instagram and Facebook. Schools utilise programs approved for teachers and students such as The Digital Licence+.
For Parents and Carers:
The following links can assist parents and carers to navigate conversations with their children around cybersafety, online bullying and parental controls for use of social media if they are accessing the internet at home.
- ThinkUKnow – and education program led by the Australian Federal Police
- Learn | Cyber.gov.au – Australian Government Cybersafety Website
- The Australian Council of State School Organisations have a free webinar tomorrow:
- FAMILY ENGAGEMENT SERIES: The Power of our Words, Hosted online, 9th of June | Humanitix
- Home - Be You – Mental health resources for parents, carers, students and teachers including social media and online bullying.
School Boundaries Safety Project update
This week the Chief Minister and Member of Legislative Assembly for Nightcliff, the Honourable Natasha Fyles, met with our school council chair, Ms Jo Kuswadi and I. A productive meeting was held to discuss the school council and the school’s plans for safe boundaries. We would like to reassure the community that there is no more fencing to be installed. Gates and hinges will be fixed during the school holidays to ensure existing gates are closable as part of our immediate risk mitigation measure for student safety. Signage will be installed to reiterate the closing of gates from 8:30 am-2:30 pm. We remind families that we operate an Outside Hours School Care facility from 2:30 pm. We encourage community oval use after hours, including the basketball court and playground adjacent to the oval, respectful of OHSC programs operating at the time.
The school council School Boundaries Safety Project Working Group will meet shortly, to further focus on landscaping grants to beautify and enhance the front of the school as a further mitigation strategy and we welcome members of the school and wider community to come and discuss future plans. Please contact the school council at nightcliffpsc@gmail.com to advise of your interest to attend.
Professional learning
We held Learning Walks yesterday for all teachers to share teaching practices across the school. Teaching styles and practices can vary based on individual strengths. We pride our school’s commitment to ongoing collaborative professional development and have worked to create a caring and sharing staff culture. The fresh ideas that are shared, allowed for inspiration of new and engaging tools for improving student outcomes. Focus areas were Reading practices and Social-Emotional Learning-Berry Street Educational Model tools. If you require further information on these practices, please see our website or contact your classroom teacher (contacts on the website).
As always please send us your feedback, or if you require any assistance, have queries or would like further information on the school, contact us through nightcliff.ps@education.nt.gov.au.
Have a great weekend. I hope you take the opportunity to enjoy the dry season weather planned for this long weekend and we look forward to seeing you next Tuesday 14th of June.
Annual School Improvement Plan
Dates to remember
Every Friday: Swim Team Training Years 3-6 Time: 1:00 pm - 2:30 pm
Monday 13th: Public Holiday - Queen's Birthday - No School
Tuesday 14th: Upper Primary and Siblings School Photos
Wednesday 15th: Preschool and Early Years School Photos
Sibling photo envelopes to be collected from the front office
Community Engagement Meeting @ 2:45 pm in the staff room
No online lunch orders Thursday 16th: & Friday 17th: Canteen under construction
Thursday 16th: Year 3 excursion to DEC 'Roald Dahl and the Imagination Seekers' Wednesday 22nd: School Reports Home
Friday 24th: Last day of term 2
Monday 18th: Pupil Free Day - Teachers Return
Tuesday 19th: Student Resume - Term 3
School Council News
Community Engagement Meeting 2:45 pm Wednesday 15th June in the staffroom
The Community Engagement subcommittee of the NPS School Council is recruiting!!
We are looking for energetic and enthusiastic parents/carers to join the group to help coordinate events to engage our school community.
We have a handful of events in mind (i.e. a movie night or a quiz night; art fair; lego competition) but are open to suggestions for novel events, particularly those drawing on the diverse array of cultures within the school.
The level of commitment is up to you: either leading the charge; or working behind the scenes.
If you are interested, please see come to the meeting or contact the School Council by email at nightcliffpsc@gmail.com
Merit Awards
Year 5’s have enjoyed investigating angles from a point and measuring degrees using protractors. They have used their understanding of different angles to estimate degrees and compare their differences in various ways.