Week 7 Term 2
Nightcliff Primary School
It’s Dinidjanggama (Heavy dew time) Season for Gulumoerrgin (Larrakia) country. Many plants begin to flower in the dry season when the temperature is cool and dry. Woodland trees such as Maminyjuma (Woollybutt), Manigurrma (Stringybark) and Galanggwa (bloodwoods) flower at this time of the year.
Dear Parents and Carers
Cultural acknowledgement
I would like to acknowledge the traditional landowners on which we meet, work and learn, the Gulumerrogin (Larrakia) people. We pay respects to elders, past, present and emerging and give thanks for the continuing connections to land, waters and histories.
This week is Reconciliation week. Staff and students have been working and learning together with the Indigenous Languages Curriculum to walk alongside our communities and family groups.
On Tuesday 31st May, we were scheduled to have an Indigenous performer, Kadul with Ryka Ali attending the school and students were to participate in two performances. However, this has been rescheduled until August.
With reconciliation activities occurring across the day you can view photos on our Facebook page.
I would like to acknowledge our Indigenous educators and their continuing work to weave Indigenous perspectives into all subject areas at our school and enhance cultural responsiveness.
Kiah Fereday: | Greg Hauser: | Haydon Staines: |
Finalist - Young Achievers Aboriginal Educator | Territory Teaching Excellence Awards – Indigenous Teacher of the Year | Young Achievers Aboriginal Educator of the Year Australian Council of Educational Leadership- Leadership |
Each week we would like to acknowledge a language and culture from the many families we have and will start a series of information on this for the newsletter shared by students and families.
Class Dojo is almost there, with a large proportion of permission forms back and staff trained. Look out for an invite from your teacher to join the class. Please let us know if you have any issues.
Merit certificates are handed out fortnightly on odd weeks. Students are thrilled to see the leadership team on Friday afternoons when we go to their classes, present them and celebrate.
National tree planting day is coming up in June. The school has been successful in receiving grants to purchase native trees to provide more shade, particularly in play areas and the oval; which students love. We will be engaging Kid-safe to audit our trees again now they have grown, for yellow banding to indicate safe heights students can climb.
The Canteen has closed for counter sales. All orders need to be made online by 9:00 am and will be delivered to the school at lunchtime. Please ensure your child has a hearty breakfast every day and brings recess.
The finance committee has been investigating the effective use of fundraising monies and has approved the purchase of decodable home readers for the next stage of our Read Write Inc program for our Transition – Year 2 students and Lexile readers for our Years 3-6 students.
Student Leadership News
Student Representative Council (SRC) has been working on collecting students' voices and promoting values throughout the school. They collect ideas from students in a box in the library at borrowing times and through class meetings to report back to the school leadership team and teachers.
NT Learning Commissioners have been working hard to tackle the goals of this year's foci in our annual school improvement plan as part of their work alongside the leadership team.
- Values awards
- Reading Trees
- Mathematics times table challenge
- Wellbeing student surveys
- Healthy Eating campaign – Casey Carrot and Bailey Banana
Look out for their news each week!
Dates to remember
Every Friday: Swim Team Training Years 3-6 Time: 1:00 pm - 2:30 pm
Tuesday 7th: Beat Cluster Rehearsal
Monday 13th: Public Holiday - Queen's Birthday
Tuesday 14th: Upper Primary and Siblings School Photos
Wednesday 15th: Preschool and Early Years School Photos
Sibling photo envelopes to be collected from the front office
Thursday 16th - Friday 17th: No online lunch orders
Thursday 16th: Year 3 excursion to DEC 'Roald Dahl and the Imagination Seekers' Wednesday 22nd: School Reports Home
Friday 24th: Last day of term 2
Monday 18th: Pupil Free Day - Teachers Return
Tuesday 19th: Student Resume - Term 3
NPS Sports Carnival
Sports Day
Thank you to all of our staff, SEDA and parent helpers who have assisted with a successful sports day this year. A shout out to the ‘do what it takes’ sports committee of staff who spend much time ensuring the organisation, logistics, communication and on the ground support on the day is run smoothly for the enjoyment of our students and families. A big thank you to Mat Ryan, our long-term PE teacher, who prepares the students for events from the beginning of the term with much practice and dedication to ensure all students can compete in events with confidence and inclusivity and brings a sense of ‘Tigers’ pride to our sports representation across the NT shown in our trophies.
Reconciliation Week
Reconciliation Day Classroom Activities
Year 4 Fereday - we learnt about the Stolen Generation and celebrated the apology. 2008 Prime Minister Kevin Rudd formally apologises to the Stolen Generation on behalf of the Australian Parliament.
NAPLAN - done and dusted!
All students in Years 3 and 5 participated in the National Assessment Program Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) testing during weeks 4 & 5 (10th to 20th May).
NAPLAN is a point-in-time assessment that allows parents and carers to see how their child progresses in literacy and numeracy against the national standard and compared with their peers throughout Australia. At the classroom level, NAPLAN provides additional information to support teachers’ professional judgement about student progress.
NAPLAN consists of four tests: Writing, Reading, Conventions of Language and Numeracy. All tests, except for the Year 3 Writing, are completed online using computers.
All students approached the NAPLAN testing period with resilience and a ready to go attitude. We congratulate them on their efforts!
Schools generally receive their students’ NAPLAN reports from mid-August to mid-September, depending on their state or territory test administration authority.
For further information, visit www.nap.edu.au