Week 4 Term 4
Nightcliff Primary School
Dear Parents,
As we approach the end of the term, we want to remind everyone to prepare for the hot weather. Please ensure your child brings a water bottle and wears a hat during playtime. We’ve also noticed an increase in mosquitoes this week, so we encourage students to stay cool and protected. To help with this, the library will be open at recess and lunch for students to enjoy a shaded space away from the sun and bugs.
Our students are working diligently in class and are beginning to wrap up their learning for the year. Excitement is building as we look forward to the end of the year celebrations!
In Week 8, we will welcome our preschool students for their transition to primary school. Preschool parents are invited to join us on Friday, November 29th, after the preschool assembly for tours and information about the transition process.
We are also pleased to announce that 2025 preschool enrollments are now open. Please mark your calendars for the last 2025 preschool information session on Thursday, November 14th, in Week 6.
Additionally, we will be holding a school disco on Thursday, December 7th, which promises to be a fun evening for all!
Thank you for your continued support, and let’s make the most of the remaining weeks of the term!
Warm regards,
Sarah Behan
Assistant Principal
Salt Marsh Mosquito Activity
Increased Salt Marsh Mosquito Activity NT Health has issued a warning for higher numbers of salt marsh mosquitoes in coastal areas throughout October and November. These mosquitoes are aggressive biters during the day and can transmit Ross River Virus. To help protect our students and staff, we are encouraging everyone to take the following precautions: Stay indoors during peak mosquito times. Use insect repellents containing DEET, picaridin, or oil of lemon eucalyptus (PMD) as per label instructions. For more information or any concerns, contact NT Health’s Medical Entomology at 8922 8901. Stay safe and mozzie-free!
Children's Artwork Exhibition 2024.
Year Two Elliott and Year Two Witte have art displayed at Casuarina Library as part of the Children's Artwork Exhibition 2024.
In Literacy, Year Two has been focusing on poetry by exploring various forms such as poems, chants, and rhymes. One type of poem that students have learned about is the bio-poem. A bio-poem is a straightforward poem that describes a person and follows a predictable pattern.
1 Fraser
Vanilla Ice Cream by Bob Graham
Students in 1 Fraser have enjoyed reading books by Bob Graham this year. This beautiful book tells the story of a traveling sparrow whose journey across the world changes a baby girl's life forever.
Students enjoyed creating their own ice cream delights and all of their work is now proudly displayed in their classroom.
6 Mackie
6 Mackie enjoyed spending recess eating time with our beautiful Nemarluk Sattalite class, eating delicious fruit and playing small group games.
Upcoming Events
Nightcliff Preschool Tea Towel
Have you ordered yet? Our 2024 Nightcliff Preschool Tea Towels are still available! Featuring your child’s hand-drawn portrait, they make the perfect keepsake and Christmas gift. Order by 8th November – Scan the QR code or click the link in the comments to get yours today! Thank you for supporting our preschool