Week 2 Term 3
Nightcliff Primary School
It’s Gurrulwa guligi (Big wind time) Season for Gulumoerrgin (Larrakia) country. When Yellow Kapok is flowering it signifies the time for ceremonies and celebrations of life, rebirth and the rejuvenation of people and country.
Dear Families
Welcome to the start of another exciting semester at Nightcliff Primary School. We hope you enjoyed the Dry Season weather and are energized for the learning ahead. To kick off the term, we are pleased to share our latest newsletter, which outlines important updates, upcoming events, and reminders for the term.
The staff engaged with professional development during week one. Consultant, Julie Scali provided reading instruction, workshopping with year level teams and demonstrating lessons. Sue Carter, shared math resources and Ms. Ruane collaborated with staff to set student and classroom well-being goals. Staff feedback was positive, and all teams have committed to a change of practice in reading to improve student outcomes. The learning will benefit teacher’s collaborative planning days next week.
As always, your commitment to our school community is invaluable, and we look forward to achieving important things together. Should you have any questions or need further information, please do not hesitate to reach out.
Ranae Graham
We are thrilled to share some exciting news and upcoming events that you won't want to miss! Here's a sneak peek at what's coming up:
25th July
3 Way Conversations Bookings Close @ 3pm
Darwin Show Day Holiday - No School
3 Way Conversations
School Council Meeting 5–6:30pm @ Staffroom
100 days of school (see flyer below)
1st Aug
Athletics Gala Day
2nd Aug
Primary Years 3-6 Assembly @8:30am hosted by 6/5K
5th Aug
Picnic Day Holiday No School
School Survey Opens
9th Aug -
Active Paths and Open Streets Party
Early Years Assembly T Cotis / T Wilkinson
Teddy Bears Picnic Preschool -Yr. 2
School Council Movie Night @ 6pm