Week 3 Term 2
Nightcliff Primary School
Dear Parents and Carers,
Students have enjoyed the change in weather this week with the incoming Dry Season. We look forward to many opportunities for outdoor learning over the next two terms. Students are returning to play on the oval in Years 3/4/5/6, and our Year 1/2 students will use the soccer goals at the front of the school with a change to yard duties.
Upcoming events this term include sports days, school photos, beat choir cluster rehearsal and sports gala days. Check out our calendar for upcoming events.
Staff professional development on the pupil free day focussed on the new reporting template designed from our Gradexpert database utilising student assessment data and triangulation of data. As we continue to streamline feedback on student progress, we hope that changes to reporting to parents and carers take on a more regular update of progress with test results in Week 5 each term and reports that provide a next steps feature to provide guidance to families of strategies requiring further practice or to enrich learning to the next level. We look forward to feedback from parents/carers as this continues over the year and the Education Committee of the School Council will be providing feedback to the school as well from parents on streamlining these processes further to what is valued most.
Students in our NT Learning Commissioners and Student Representative Council will be working on supporting students in Reading, Mathematics and well-being learning areas. This will be covered through initiatives such as the Reading Tree, Timetable Challenge and BeYOU partnership, student surveys and class meetings.
Look out for some exciting videos of their student voice ideas, initiatives and projects on our website and newsletter updates from their groups.
This year, attendance is a system focus with an improved focus for all schools. Please notify us of each and every day your child/children are away.
Dates to Remember
Monday 2nd May: May Day - Public Holiday - No School
Tuesday 3rd May: Pupil Free Day - No School
Friday 6th May: School Council Mother's Day Breakfast
Time: 7:30 am - 8:30 am.
Location: Central Playground
Food & Drinks for sale, catered by Wixted (NPS Canteen) & Crybaby Coffee.
Friday 6th May: Soccer Gala Day 8:30 am - 2:30 pm.
Friday 6th May: Swim Team Training Years 3-6 Time: 1:00 pm - 2:30 pm
Monday 23rd - Friday 27th May - Book Fair - Dive into reading
Donations - Shoe boxes needed for technology & design. If you have any spare shoe boxes you don't want, please drop them off at the front office. Thank you
Mother's Day Breakfast - Friday 6th May
The Mother's Day Breakfast allows us to celebrate the women in our lives that do so much for us - mothers, grandmothers, aunts, and carers. We are looking for volunteers to help make this day happen. If you could spare some time to help on Friday 6th May, please register via the link.
Kind regards
NPS School Council